MaryL Calhoun
1 min readMay 14, 2021


Bella, I was binge reading some of your work and although I've read this one before, I came back to it because I hadn't realized just how often I've been subjected to instances of microaggression about my being HAPPILY retired. Comments like, "some of us are still working"--with a sly smile, or when saying "Good morning!" to a group of people and was ignored, a colleague defended their rudeness by saying, "they're in work mode, your retired", or "we are still working/or at work, we can't take time out to take a nap".

In all but one of these examples, I was quick to respond and felt immediately unburdened by their attempt to "other" me because I was happily retired.

You are spot on in that the microaggression that I did not respond to has mental and emotional impacts. That conversation has, for me, morphed into a bitter regret. Now, whenever I interact with the perpetrator I am keenly aware of what is said in conversation and immediately respond accordingly. And, Yes, attempts to dismiss or trivialize the slight do not go unanswered. I am able to let go of the microaggression because I did not allow it claim my personal sense of self as a happily retired single person.

